Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Evening visitor !"

We have a pair of Cardinals that come to our feeder every day in early morning and late afternoon. I just love them. They are so beautiful.

Last year my granddaughter wrote this poem. She was 7 then.

"Mr Cardinal" by Sage

Pretty bird

Beautiful bird

on my shoulder

Bright and red

Beady black eyes

Orange claws

Feathery red tail

Always flying

Always lovely

Pecking for nuts

with its orange beak

Perched on a branch

Sleeping silently.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

" A Breath of Spring in January"
my latest watercolor

Friday, January 18, 2008

"Road to Grandma's"

"Shady Cottage"

Friday, January 11, 2008

I started this painting in Jan's class (Jan Kilburn) last Monday and just finished it this afternoon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Day's End"
"Summer Cape"

Some more recent work. Most of my paintings are done on quarter size sheets (11" X 15") of 140 # cold press watercolor paper. All of my paintings are for sale. Please email me for information I also have giclee prints available and will be posting those soon.

Old barn in Rangeley

"George's Barn"

Sunday, January 6, 2008


"Summer Cottage"

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a watercolor painter living in the beautiful western mountains of Maine. I am inspired by the beauty of the mountains and seashore of this lovely state. I have been painting for many years, studying at the Portland School of Art in the 1960's. I now study with artist Jan Kilburn of Damariscotta.

This blog will be a place to show my new work, talk about techniques and connect with other artists. Please post your comments.